Its common names include Tasman Flax Lily, Flax Lily and Blue Berry Flax Lily. 'Tasred' _ 'Tasred' is a borderline hardy, clump-forming, evergreen perennial bearing upright to arching, stiff, strap-shaped, dark grey-green leaves, flushed red at the base, and red stems bearing branching panicles of star-shaped, blue flowers in early summer followed by ovoid, purple fruit. Large purple berries appear after flowering in Spring and Summer. Dianella Tasred is a compact plant with wide green leaves that are red coloured at the base of the plant. Australian Native Plants, located in Ventura, CA, is a leader in ornamental trees and shrubs for Mediterranean gardens. Flax lilies (Dianella tasmanica), shade-loving members of the Liliaceae family, add style and color to areas sheltered from sun. DESCRIPTION: Graceful growing native flowering grass with bright green arching leaves with striking cherry red leaf bases.Tiny blue flowers on long stems in later winter-spring; followed by purple-blue berries in summer. USES:Mass plantings, underplanting, rockeries, borders. Dianella tasmanica ‘Tasred’™ ‘TR20’ PP 18737 Tasred Flax Lily Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,200 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on ten California nurseries to serve the wholesale landscape and nursery industries throughout the Western United States and beyond. Discover (and save!) Deep purple berries show up in Spring or Summer after blue flowering. It tolerates a wide range of soils and conditions. Plant Type: Grasses Evergreen-Deciduous: Evergreen. Evergreen perennial. The straight species, all-green, is a workhorse groundcover but not notable as an ornamental. Planting Density: 4-6 plants per m², 2-4 plants per linear metre. It has leaves to 80 cm, and a flower stem to 1.5 m. Blue flowers in spring and summer are followed by violet berries. View gallery. Avoid very poor soils. The … Continue reading "Variegated flax lily" Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission, except for 3D graphics for the purpose of using in CAD software and the downloadable photos for the purpose of showing clients images. Delicate inflorescences of tiny white and yellow flowers occur in spring and are often unnoticed. Hardenbergia, The cultivar or true plant or turf name will always immediately follow the species name enclosed in single quotation marks. GROWER KNOWLEDGE: Blaze is a TC sport of the popular Dianella Tasred. The Variegated flax lily has become the most popular choice of Tasmania flax lilies. Zone 8 (20 to 10 degrees F) Growth Rate. Shade (1 to 3 hours morning sun) Moisture Requirements. Red stems in spring produce showy flowers followed by purple berries. Dianella tasmanica 'Tas Red' (P) - comm. It’s tolerance for shade, moisture, and cooler temperatures make it a great choice for those wetter cooler locations that don’t suit some of the other dianellas. Category: Tropicals and Tender Perennials. Prefers sun or light shade. This plant is noted for its colour changing foliage which is a real eye catcher. Unique foliage is green with yellow tones in the margins and red base. TASRED ® Dianella tasmanica ‘TR20’ Common Name: Tasmanian Flax Lily . Other common names Tasman flax-lily . Unique foliage is green with yellow tones in the margins and red base. Description Additional information Description. This is a tough and adaptable species that will withstand almost any conditions in New Zealand. Dianella tasmanica 'Cherry Red' PBR. Dianella tasmanica 'Tasred' Dianella Tasred. Description: Tasred® Dianella will often get a red base in cold climates, or even change from green to green with reddish tinges at times. USES:Mass plantings, underplanting, rockeries, borders. In well maintained gardens, some plants will get taller. Tasred - Flax Lily . Description: Tasred® Dianella will often get a red base in cold climates, or even change from green to green with reddish tinges at times. Feb 9, 2013 - Dianella tasmanica 'Tasred' [Flax Lily] part of the Liliaceae family with Blue & Yellow flowers flowering in Spring avaliable from Australian Native Plants located in Ventura, CA Light Requirements. Nandinas, Agapanthus’ and more, Heat tolerant Azaleas with more blooms, more often, Keep up to date with Ozbreed, including the state by state landscape newsletter, See all of our comprehensive, in depth research about plants and turf, Our library of informative and educational videos, For the breeder, home owner and landscape professional (including 3D graphics, top views and more), Our history, staff, sustainability policy and more, TASRED® Dianella is a tough & reliable strappy leaf plant | Strappy Leaf Plants, Some of the top wholesale growers listed below do also sell retail, those marked as, Copyright © 2019 Ozbreed Pty Ltd | Web Design, Ecosystem Management Services (Workpower), Best performing, biggest selling Dianella tasmanica in Australia, Great colour contrast with changing foliage. WaterWise. Dianella tasmanica 'Tasred' (Tasman flax-lily 'Tasred') will reach a height of 0.9m and a spread of 0.6m after 2-5 years. A compact Australian native with bright green and red strap-like leaves. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended). The outstanding feature of this variety is its red winter foliage. Log in for pricing. Genus Dianella are rhizomatous evergreen perennials with leathery, sword-shaped leaves and sprays of small, starry deep blue flowers followed by long-lasting blue or purple berries . Can be described as an ornamental flax requiring fertilising once in spring, well suited in any soil and great for any garden or border. their root systems to help provide nitrogen for other plants close to them? PLANTING: Plant in full sun to part shade in the garden. Color becomes more acute in colder months but fades to green in summer. Unique green foliage has a red base which becomes more acute in colder months fading to green in summer. In cooler weather, the red tones radiate from the plant's crown into the leaf margins; spring brings a show of rich blue flowers. Short deep red flower stems and blue berries emerge up to 60cm in spring. Uses: Mass plantings, low water gardens, Japanese style gardens and accent planting. If required use slow release fertiliser in spring. Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products. This plant is noted for its colour changing foliage which is a real eye catcher. Plant Profile - TASRED Dianella tasmanica ‘TR20’ At last there is an ornamental flax lily on the market that gives designers and landscapers colour thoughout the seasons, particularly in colder regions of Australia. Where it works: NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA, WA & QLD (only for non humid regions like Toowoomba with free draining soil.). Hardy to -10 F. Purple flowers in the spring. Dianella tasmanica Tasred: Common Names: Tasred Flax, Flax Lily: Foliage Type: Evergreen: Native: No: Plant Type: Grass / Strappy / Tuft : Plant Habit: Clumping, Tufting: Typical Availability: High: Description: This drought and frost tolerant plant finally gives designers a flax lily that changes colour throughout the seasons. Drought tolerant once established. In summer its flowers make way for large, bold eyecatching purple berries. Family Hemerocallidaceae . A compact Australian native with bright green and red strap-like leaves. Feb 15, 2020 - Find 130mm Straps for Gaps Tasred - Dianella tasmanica at Bunnings Warehouse. Dianella 'Tasred ®' Dianella tasmanica Tasred is a tough, reliable plant with a dense tidy appearance, gracious wide leaves and large purple berries that appear in Spring and Summer. Dianella tasmanica Tasred: Common Names: Tasred Flax, Flax Lily: Foliage Type: Evergreen: Native: No: Plant Type: Grass / Strappy / Tuft : Plant Habit: Clumping, Tufting: Typical Availability: High: Description: This drought and frost tolerant plant finally gives designers a flax lily that changes colour throughout the seasons. A dense and tidy Dianella with beautiful wide, strappy leaves and a Phormium-like habit. It is a robust plant with a clumping habit in size to 2 ft. tall and stiff pale green sword-like leaves with bold white striping. Red stems in spring produce showy flowers followed by purple berries. TASRED® Dianella tasmanica 'TR20' PBR is a tough & reliable Dianella that will often get a red base in cold climates, or even change from green to green with reddish tinges at times. For local information on which plants work in your area contact your local grower. Trim older leaves as required and cut back halfway every 3-7 years to encourage new growth (will look better with pruning every 3 years, this depends on your requirements). Ensure crown or base of plant is not below soil or mulch level. The Dianella Tasmanica (Tasman flax lily) grows naturally in the forests of Tasmania, Victoria and the NSW coast. Dianella Tasred is an ornamental flax lily with beautiful, contrasting foliage colour. Add To Cart . Great erosion control capabilities strenthenging the soil 215% (2007 Paananen, Layt; Study). Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Dianella, Tasman Flax Lily, … Casuarinas The brand name or trade name for this plant is BREEZE®, and should not be confused with the true cultivar name. Dianella tasmanica 'Tasred' Grass: Tasred. Blue flowers appear in spring. Best suited to … By division in Spring. Dianella ‘Tasred ®’ Dianella tasmanica Tasred is a tough, reliable plant with a dense tidy appearance, gracious wide leaves and large purple berries that appear in Spring and Summer. Propagation . Excellent choice for both tropical and modern garden design. Cold hardy alternative to phormiums with upright strap leaf form and broad lush appearance. In Summer its flowers make way for large, bold, eye catching purple berries. Native habitat . PLANTING: Plant in full sun to part shade in the garden. A dense and tidy Dianella with beautiful wide, strappy leaves and a Phormium-like habit. Tasred is an outstanding Australian plant that is a fantastic substitute for the New Zealand flax. Plant in moderately fertile, humus-rich, neutral to acid, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Tolerates frost and heat. Download Tasred® images. Copyright © 2019 Ozbreed Pty Ltd | Web Design Smart Web Solutions, Exotic and native plants for home gardens and landscapes, Functional Westringias, Callistemons, Grevilleas and more, Non-invasive, beautiful exotics incl. Prefers sun or light shade. This is a tough and adaptable species that will withstand almost any conditions in New Zealand. Dianella tasmanica Tasred (PP18,737) 1g. Suggested uses. Cold hardy alternative to phormiums with upright strap leaf form and broad lush appearance. Hardy to 25 F. Blue flowers in the spring. SKU: UPC: Availability: The quantities available online are less than the total that we have available. Saved by Patsy McKeown. Short deep red flower stems and blue berries emerge up to 60cm in spring. Dianella tasmanica ‘Tasred’™ ‘TR20’ PP 18737 Tasred Flax Lily. Dianella tasmanica ‘Tasred’ Native Flax A very compact strappy leaved clumping perennial with attractive foliage and stem bases that develop a distinct red colouring during winter. It has a dense tidy appearance with beautiful wide leaves and large purple berries in spring and summer, and is a great alternative to Phormium. Slow growing spreading evergreen grass like perennial. Tasred has a similar color habit, but the burgundy color of Blaze is much more intense! Dianella tasmanica 'Tasred' , also known as Tas Red Flax Lilly is a small strappy leafed plant. On-line and at retailers. Oct 14, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by MORI BOTANICA. Attracts Butterflies. Evergreen: Use: Mass planting, Japanese-style gardens, accent plant, foliage or grassy gardens. Heights shown on the website are for general gardening conditions. » Dianella tasmanica ‘TR20′ P.P# 18737 Tasred | Village Nurseries Wholesale Plant & Tree Grower. This website gives general information for the states/regions in Australia. It red winter foliage is an outstanding feature of this variety. Cold Hardiness. In warmer months the lower parts of the leaves will display distinctive red tones. Dianella Tasred has beautiful wide leaves, making it one of the most popular choices of Dianella. © 2007-2020 Australian Native Plants - all rights reserved - 800.701.6517, Baloskion tetraphyllum syn Restio tetraphyllus, Banksia ericifolia x B. spinulosa 'Giant Candles', Correa alba var pannosa 'Western Pink Star', Gossia inophloia syn Austromyrtus inophloia, Grevillea victoriae 'Murray Valley Queen', Lomandra confertifolia sp. rubiginosa 'Seascape', Pittosporum angustifolium syn P. phylliraeoides, Prostanthera linearis syn Westringia purpurea, Scarlet Gum Eucalyptus; Gnaingar or Ngainggar, Sweet Pittosporum, Mock Orange, Victoria Box. In cold climates the base will often turn red and the foliage may turn from green to green plus a reddish tinge. Hardy in U.S. It makes a great mass landscaping or border plant. In cooler weather, the red tones radiate from the plant's crown into the leaf margins; spring brings a show of rich blue flowers. Low water requirement gardens. Beds and borders, Architectural, City, Coastal, Containers, Cottage/Informal. HEIGHTS: Excellent choice for both tropical and modern garden design. Blue flowers in spring and purple berries in summer. Grows to 3 feet high and 18 to 24 inches wide. Once established, Dianella tasmanica needs little or no work or irrigation as it is drought and frost tolerant. Discover (and save!) Ozbreed believes all the information supplied in this website to be correct at time of publication. Evergreen. Deer-Resistant. and Flax Lily This 'Flax Lilly' has shiny green, strappy leaves which have varying hues of yellow and red - mostly during the colder months. In cold climates the base will often turn red and the foliage may turn from green to green plus a reddish tinge. Unique green foliage has a red base which becomes more acute in colder months fading to green in summer. Dianella tasmanica. ForemostCo Plant Producers and Brokers of Offshore Cuttings and Domestic Liner Material. Tasred® Dianella tasmanica 'TR20' PBR Range: Strappy Leaf WHERE TO BUY More Info. Family: Asphodelaceae (as-foh-del-AY-see-ee) Genus: Dianella (dy-an-NEL-uh) Species: tasmanica (tas-MAN-ee-kuh) Cultivar: Variegata: 21 members have or want this plant for trade. Grows 1 to 2 feet high. Dianella revoluta 'Little Rev' PP17,719 ['DR5000'] (Little Rev Flax Lily) - A compact clumping (with short rhizomes) evergreen perennial growing to 2-4 feet tall and spreading slowly outwards. Dianella tasmanica 'Tas Red' (P) - comm. Tolerates full sun to heavy shade. Dianella tasmanica. Some of the top wholesale growers listed below do also sell retail, those marked as Trade Only will not, all others will sell direct to the general public. Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,200 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on ten California nurseries to serve the wholesale landscape and nursery industries throughout the Western United States and beyond. Senna It has a dense tidy appearance with beautiful wide leaves and large purple berries in spring and summer. Grows to 3 feet high and 18 to 24 inches wide. Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products. Download Tasred® brochure | 765KB Fast growing foliage forms a clump 18 to 24 in. Tasred® Dianella suits sandy, sandy loam and clay soils. IMPORTANT FACT ABOUT PLANT & TURF NAMES: In this website, the genus species and cultivar are listed like this example: Dianella caerulea ‘DCNC0’ is the PBR and cultivar name. Attracts Hummingbirds. This plant was discovered as a mutation from a unnamed bred Dianella tasmanica cultivar by Todd Layt of Ozbreed in 2005 and received U.S. Plant Patent 19,338 in 2008. Water Requirements: Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping. It tolerates a wide range of soils and is very hardy. This 'Flax Lilly' has shiny green, strappy leaves which have varying hues of yellow and red - mostly during the colder months. Description: View a list of all the categories associated with the plants arranged in That said, all Dianella are best suited to Mediterranean climates, Zones 9-11. 1 Available Now Labels. Lavender. Acacia, The first specimen of Dianella tasmanica was collected in 1837 by Ronald Gunn in Tasmania. Log in for pricing. Medium. Medium water needs. Explore our range of flax lilies including Dianella caerulea, Dianella revoluta, Dianella prunina, and Dianella tasmanica on our Dianella plants page. It has a dense tidy appearance with beautiful wide leaves and large purple berries in spring and summer, and is a great alternative to Phormium. DIANELLA TASMANICA TASRED TC CP 72 PP 18,737. Shop the online store or come visit us (by appointment only). a visual design where the size of each category is determined by the number of Dianella 'Blaze' has strap-shaped, upright, green-purple foliage and a clumping habit. For more detailed information and specification sheets, click here. It produces blue and yellow flowers in spring followed by purple berries in summer. This Dianella variety has shown to cope with subtropical conditions. plants associated with that category. Cultivation. Dianella tasmanica. Care: Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. It has a dense tidy appearance with beautiful wide leaves and large purple berries in spring and summer, and is a great alternative to Phormium. Ideal for planting in groups or individually in most gardens and landscapes. Also great for pots. Grows beautifully as a single specimen or mass planted. Excellent choice for both tropical and modern garden design. With its deep red flower stems, and its beautiful blue and yellow flowers, Tas red certainly puts on a show in spring. Full … have nitrogen-fixing nodules on Foliage colour will vary depending on climate as it turns green to protect itself from the heat. Blue flowers on red stems followed by purple berries. Photos courtesy of Ozbreed. Evergreen perennial. Tasred TM Dianella — Gardening Made Easy, Providing Garden Design, Garden Ideas, Plant Catalogue, Garden, Plant Care, Gardening Tips, Home and Garden, New Zealand Plant Nurseries, Landscape Design, Gardening, Container Gardening, Plant Ideas, Shrubs, Plants. , or even change from green to protect itself from the list of the leaves display distinctive tones! Tasmanica 'Destiny ' Destiny white stripe 18737 Tasred | Village nurseries wholesale plant Tree! Catching purple berries show up in spring climates, Zones 9-11 Pin was discovered by MORI BOTANICA beds borders... Follow the species name enclosed in single quotation marks erosion control capabilities strenthenging the soil 215 % ( Paananen! The forests of Tasmania, Victoria and the foliage may turn from green to protect itself the... For borders, Architectural, City, Coastal, Containers, Cottage/Informal ( to. Red ' ( P ) - comm green-purple foliage and a spread of 0.6m after 2-5 years our. 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