medusa powers marvel

After taking revenge on the Skrulls and taking control of the Kree Empire, the Inhumans won a massive war against the Shi'ar. Medusa The day after, while Louise Fisher was driving, Medusa explained to Black Bolt what had happened to her before she was exiled and how Auran and Maximus had depowered her. Some other Marvel heroes who possess similar powers? Crystal (who later became the wife of the Avenger Quicksilver) is Medusa's younger sister. Upon their return, the royal family restored the status quo. Her parents believed in tearing down the caste system and overthrowing the Inhuman Royal Family that had ruled Attilan for centuries. Real Name By John Wilson Mar 13, 2020. Later at dinner, Medusa was informed of the apparent demise of her cousin Triton. Unfortunately, Fisher lost track of the helicopter. After witnessing Venom apparently murder Spider-Man -- although it was later revealed to be the Space Phantom -- Spider-Man apparently … Medusa is considered a member of Attilan's Royal Family. While Fisher looked for a proper itinerary, Medusa and Black Bolt discussed the case of Maximus again, as Black Bolt did not understand why Medusa did not want Maximus dead. Returning to Attilan, Medusa turned Ahura over to the Genetics Council for analysis, but the Council's Chief Justice secretly sought greater power for himself and his inner circle. Medusa thus contacted Auran to be taken to the throne room. Maximus ordered Medusa to hand it over, but since Medusa understood that Maximus had no intention to give up on the throne, she threw it against a wall to shatter it, much to Maximus' anger. Medusa also acknowledged that the Inhuman Royal Family might have made mistakes in their way of ruling, but that they would take it into account as they would continue to lead the Inhumans on Earth. In result, Medusa was also more forgiving and even ready to forgive Maximus, although he had completely robbed her of her powers and she had initially swore to kill him. The younger sister of Queen Medusa, she is part of the Inhuman royal family. She confronted her husband and demanded that he consulted her for his further decisions instead of leaving her in the dark, to which Black Bolt agreed.[7]. Inhumans (8 episodes) Black Bolt, Crystal, and Lockjaw appear as playable characters in Marvel Powers United VR. Medusa translated Black Bolt's final warning that he would eventually kill his brother. Before conspiring with Namor of Atlantis, Black Bolt and her cousin Triton force Sue to realize how much her family loves and respects her; this "Project Revival" resulted in the Richards reuniting. As the night fell, Medusa and the others kept looking for Karnak. Black Bolt informed them that they had to send a message to Maximus, so he ordered Karnak to kill Auran, knowing she would heal from it, to get Maximus' attention. Medusa, the royal family, and the Inhumans who rejected the Kree soon returned to the Blue Area of the Moon where they began rebuilding Attilan. Medusa was the first of two children born to Inhuman nutritionists Quelin and Ambur. Medusa explained to Louise Fisher that she needed her help, denying Fisher's request to be taken to the Moon as it was far too dangerous. Medusa then briefly left to bury Fisher's father's ashes in Attilan, but as the city was being destroyed, she hastily returned into the throne room. [3], Knowing that Auran would soon come to her, Medusa prepared an ambush for the new head of the Attilan Royal Guard. In partnership with Maximus, the criminal Enclave kidnapped Medusa and invaded Attilan, easily conquering its ailing population. Later, Medusa explained to fisher why the Inhumans were hiding on the Moon, out of fear from Humans, something Fisher did not understand as they were many good Humans and that they could not judge humanity on the basis of some Humans, just like Fisher could not have an opinion on the Inhumans just by looking at Maximus' evil plans. Drop into Fortnite Nexus War now! Once again, Locus criticized the Inhuman Royal Family, claiming that their rule were archaic and that Maximus cared more about the people than they did. However, she's been known to aid other hero teams outside of Attilan when they've needed help the most. So instead of gloating, she befriended the silent king. Discover the process Marvel Games, Square Enix, and Crystal Dynamics developed when creating the Mightiest Super Hero experience in "Marvel's Avengers," in this behind-the-scenes look from Intel Gaming. When Skrulls invaded Attilan and the false Ahura was exposed, Medusa's torture of their warriors failed to determine her husband and son's locations. Therefore, Medusa had Crystal and Lockjaw teleport her into Louise Fisher's Residence. Medusa and Fisher returned to the Harbor Arms hotel where Fisher had rented a room. The team went back to Dave's Ranch, where Crystal had left Lockjaw. Due to the caste system of Attilan she was placed in the upper part of the city, a place of comfort and relaxation. They developed their own sign language and became very close. She promised to find him soon and started making her way out of a crater on the island of Oahu. They got rid of their opponents and then found Karnak, Gorgon and Jen. Medusalith Amaquelin ist die Frau von Black Bolt und Königin von Attilan. She maintains this control even when the hair has been cut from her head. Medusa explains how she and Black Bolt ruled Attilan. Medusa refused and fled alone to Earth, living in the desert until her son Ahura was born. Medusa has one of the most unusual superpowers of any comic book character. She then told Black Bolt that she wanted to attempt to negotiate one last time with Maximus, explaining that she had kept a Terrigen Crystal and wanted to offer it to Maximus in exchange for him stepping down from the throne. After they declined, Maximus took the opportunity to claim sole control of the Inhumans. Medusa arrived at the prison and knocked one guard unconscious as Black Bolt and Sammy were evading. Share Share Tweet Email. Medusa informed Fisher that she was looking for her family and Fisher agreed to help her. In response, Medusa comforted her sister. By knocking over Mordis, they triggered an explosion which incapacitated their opponents, enabling Medusa and Black Bolt to be reunited. Medusa was code-named Margie in the audition scenes for MARVEL’S INHUMANS, Swan relates.“I remember my audition scene was a conversation between myself and Black Bolt. [6], The next morning, the Inhuman Royal Family wrapped Gorgon's body and decided that they had to deal with Maximus before someone else died. Medusa got to meet with Fisher's superior George Ashland. Medusa promised their leader Ronan the Inhumans' allegiance in return for his aid in locating Black Bolt, cementing their alliance by betrothing her sister Crystal to Ronan. Upon seeing Medusa staring at the Moon, Fisher understood that Medusa came from the satellite and Medusa agreed to tell Fisher some information about Attilan. Upon returning to Attilan, they tried to prevent Maximus to destroy the city, but being unsuccessful, Medusa and Black Bolt led the Inhumans to a settlement on Earth to become their new home. As Inhuman and human factions competed to control or destroy the "Nuhumans," Medusa established New Attilan and strived to protect her new subjects. Fear the Mad Titan; he'll get you in a snap. Crystal devoted herself to the betterment of the Kree people, and while working toward that goal, has begun developing true feelings for Ronan, despite their arranged marriage. When Black Bolt feigned death battling death-worshipper Thanos, he simultaneously ended up destroying Attilan and releasing a Terrigen cloud that empowered latent Inhumans worldwide. Marvel: 10 Things Everyone Forgets About Johnny Storm, The Human Torch. However, Medusa rebelled against her strict upbringing. Inhuman Susan Richards returned to the Fantastic Four full-time and Medusa left the team to stay with the royal family. Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch, and Cable. The war to save Reality starts now. Black Bolt then told Lockjaw to howl, causing a figure to approach through the ocean, revealing to be Triton. With her aid he escaped and freed Ahura (who was still secretly a Skrull). She made her way onto a bus where Crystal contacted her, telling her of everything that had happened on Attilan after Maximus took over. As the Council feared, the child possessed great powers, confronting and defeating a being composed of earthly pollutants within days of his birth. Attilan Medusa then explained to Fisher that she had brought Attilan's Terrigen Crystals and that she wanted to entrust Fisher with it as she was a close friend to hers. Psionic powers are also known as psychic abilities. Alive Medusa then left Auran's body and Com-Link in a dumpster before leaving.[3]. [1], Shortly after Black Bolt accidentally killed his parents, Medusa went to visit him in the Quiet Room, telling him that everyone in Attilan feared him but she did not. Iridia emerged with butterfly-like wings and Bronaja at first appeared to manifested no ability. Uncontrolled, her tougher-than-steel hair is naturally more than six feet long. They received a call from Auran informing them that she held Evan Declan and Sammy hostages, challenging Black Bolt to come and save his friends. Considered a member of Attilan's Royal Family, Medusa's parents chose to expose her to the Terrigen Mists when she was a child. 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[2], Medusa, like most Inhumans, went through Terrigenesis. Medusa, Black Bolt and Crystal managed to sneak into the barn and found Lockjaw. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Seeing that Fisher would not give up on it, Medusa resolved to fin the object herself. [7], The Inhuman Royal Family learn of Maximus' plans. While she actually went there to gloat about the deaths of Agon and Rynda as they had effectively made her an orphan, she saw pain in Black Bolt's eyes, the same pain she felt after her parents' death. When the Skrull Black Bolt impostor was exposed, Iron Man (Tony Stark) returned his body to Medusa, who angrily demanded of Attilan's Council that they support her in attacking the Skrulls. However, Medusa was quite upset that her husband had hidden the existence of the Royal Bunker and the survival of Triton. All of those heroes can certainly do more than control hair, like communicate telepathically or create psionic weapons, but whether or not Medusa has other psionic abilities has yet to be explored. However, Medusa and Black Bolt refused, with Medusa noticing that Karnak had changed and became more emboldened. She stands against anyone who opposes her people, from humanity to the Kree, to other members of the royal family, like Maximus, the brother of her husband and Inhuman king Black Bolt. When Medusa needed to stay in New York City to work with the United Nations on the Inhumans' legal status, she remained with the Four for a short time. Team Passive: Apply to: Inhuman Allies Medusa is the chief of the Gorgons. Fans of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. When Triton asked about Gorgon, they showed him the body. Appearances Crystal is Medusa's younger sister. Medusa is an Inhuman who achieved her genetic potential upon undergoing Terrigenesis, gaining superhuman powers. This revelation led to a heated debate between Maximus and the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family as realistically Attilan could not support a growing population. Maximus favored going to Earth and conquering it while Black Bolt favored staying on the moon. Citizenship How do you reassemble the Avengers? They all then transported to a bunker underneath Attilan that the family, excluding Black Bolt, did not know about and made a plan to defeat Maximus. Altogether, Medusa and Black Bolt remained quite insensitive to her critics, although Medusa acknowledged that they had made some mistakes and was aware that Locus thought that way because the people never got the chance to truly know Black Bolt. When Crystal returned, she informed the family of the parley being at midday, which Karnak claimed to be a good time for an execution, although Medusa informed that there could be no killing. Title(s) Facing such a threat, in addition to another mysterious enemy mentioned by Black Bolt but who Medusa did not know about, Medusa was asked by Black Bolt to prepare for a possible Evacuation of Attilan alongside Crystal. User with this ability either is or can transform into an gorgon, a terrifying female creature of Greek mythology. Both the women went to a beach and grabbed some snacks to eat where Fisher and Medusa kept looking for the helicopter. Medusa and her group later found Tua's traffickers, who attacked them. Medusa[1]The Snakes[1]My Queen[1] Queen of the Inhumans At one of these ceremonies, Bronaja and his sister Iridia went through Terrigenesis. The royal family was forced to return and resume control when Attilan was briefly returned to Earth. When Xemu of the 5th dimension invaded Attilan, Medusa and the Fantastic Four came to Attilan's aid. Portrayed by Writer Simon Spurrier and artist Sergio Dávila team up for BLACK KNIGHT: CURSE OF THE EBONY BLADE! Medusa appears in the 1981 Spider-Man cartoon episode "Under the Wizard's Spell", voiced by B.J. Affiliation Many years after her marriage to Black Bolt, Medusa ruled alongside him as Queen of Attilan, doing so required many responsibilities and duties. In Paris, she teamed up with thief Paul Dumas, learning about human society as a criminal. Former Powers Along with various heroes and villains, Medusa was also briefly kidnapped by the Stranger (masquerading as the Beyonder) for experimental purposes, but they all soon fought their way home. Medusa's parents elected to expose her to the mutagenic Terrigen Mist when she was an infant; the process endowed her with hair she could animate like added appendages. EGOT-winning songwriter Robert Lopez takes Joe behind the creative process of “Let It Go” in Times Square before the two join together to improvise a song. Medusa and Black Bolt When Kree refugees came to Attilan for refuge, their true purpose was to assassinate Medusa and the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family. Medusa and Crystal run from Agon and Rynda, Medusa and her sister Crystal were born to the Inhumans Ambur and Quelin in the city of Attilan. Crystal then transported back to Attilan to inform Maximus of their demand to negotiate with him. 1 Geschichte 1.1 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 Superkräfte 3 Trivia 4 Bilder Bolt gehörte zu der Einheit von William Stryker, die in Nigeria nach dem Adamantium suchte, er war ebenfalls an dem Zivilistenmord beteiligt. In the aftermath, Maximus reclaimed control of Attilan and began its reconstruction, arming the city for all-out war with Earth, with Medusa and Ahura at his side. Queen of the Inhumans and wife of Black Bolt, Medusa posesses and controls prehensile hair that is tougher than steel. But her own ego leads her into conflict with Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and she blames humanity for the resulting fights before returning home. Enhanced Durability: Medusa did not sustain any injuries after jumping out from the second floor of a motel and landing on her feet, a fall which would have severely crippled a regular human. Medusa explained to Fisher that she and Black Bolt understood each other, which was why they fell in love and married. Medusa convinced Crystal that they had to promptly leave and asked Fisher to handle the police before teleporting with her family. They then changed into their normal royal clothes. She and Black Bolt returned to Kree space and convinced almost all the Inhumans who remained there to return home. Medusa possesses a long, thick head of hair. Furthermore she has the psychokinetic ability to animate these locks to perform a number of feats. When Medusa became pregnant a few months later, Attilan's Genetics Council ruled that the unapproved child was potentially unsafe (due to the mental instability of Black Bolt's brother Maximus as well as the sheer magnitude of Black Bolt's powers) and ordered the pregnancy terminated. Unlike Black Bolt, she eventually heard criticism voiced by Louise Fisher and Locus, which led Medusa to be more understanding of how the people could feel wronged by the current caste systems. Fisher later found Medusa and angrily confronted her about her disrespectful behaviour, although Medusa remained at first quite insensitive to her critics. Medusa’s only real “power” was that if you looked directly at her, you would be turned into stone. Actors/Actresses Medusa was born into the royal family of the Inhumans, and so raised as an elite, meant to be queen. Medusa and Fisher got out of the room, but Fisher wanted to go back to retrieve her toy rocket. She learned to interpret Black Bolt's body language and fell in love with him. As Locus had revealed that Crystal was on Oahu, Medusa and Black Bolt decided to find her. She emerged from her cocoon with the ability to control her hair. 13 Medusa Isn't Her Real … Medusa assured her husband that she was not trying to protect Maximus, but Black Bolt himself, and urged her to be more understanding. 1 #36 (1965) Alignment: Good Medusa, Black Bolt and Crystal arrived at the Declan Research Facility Lab, where they found Karnak mourning the loss of Gorgon, who had been killed in the battle against Auran's men. Medusa claimed leadership of the Inhumans, Kree and surrendering Shi’ar. Der König und die Königin von Attilan sind Blackagar Boltagon und Medusa. They were then greeted by Louise Fisher who had prepared a suitable living environment for the people of Attilan, now that they were on the Earth. Along with various heroes and villains, Medusa … Medusa controlling her hair against Maximus. Her exile on Earth enabled Medusa to take a step back and question her way of ruling. Due to generations of eugenics, most Inhumans, including Medusa, are slightly superior to humans in strength, reaction time, stamina, resistance to injury, speed, and natural lifespan. They noticed that the police was there after they were called by Audrey, Dave's former girlfriend. Later, Medusa spotted policemen coming to the hotel to arrest them. There, she was able to take some food and wear clothes which would enable her to blend in during her time on Earth. Bronaja recovered but he told Maximus that "snakes had him pinned against a wall". Sie wird während eines Angriffes von ihren Schwager Maximus von Lockjaw auf die Erde teleportiert. Aliases: Madame Medusa, Queen Medusa: Place of birth: Island of Attilan, Atlantic Ocean: First appearance: Fantastic Four Vol. Prison and knocked one guard unconscious as Black Bolt most unusual superpowers of any book... 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