do muslims eat pork

It is a question most Muslims struggle to answer satisfactorily. 3) They are tasty food. Practicing Muslims do not drink or eat anything that contains alcohol. Islam is the most divine religion of the world; Islam is the second-largest religion of the world with 1.8 billion followers or we can say that 24.1% population of the world. What about Catholics? I am not a Muslim. Deodorant64. The prohibition of pork in Islam is derived from the following verse of the Glorious Qur’an: Eating pork can expose the individual to various helminthes (worms) like roundworm, pinworm and hookworm. It is part of the strategy of secularization, of turning the Uyghurs secular and indoctrinating them to follow the Communist Party and become agnostic or atheist.” Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. Its ova i.e. Muslims are not permitted to eat pork and pork products such as bacon, deli meats, ham and sausages. For the expert anthropologist, the most valid theory that explains why Jews and Muslims do not eat pork is ecological in nature. jews don't eat pork as a pig has a divided hoof which God forbids to eat. If it is cooked food then you know for sure that even if alcohol was used in the cooking that alcohol is gone period. Why don't Muslims eat pork? So, considering how important it is for many Muslims to avoid pork, Dev's choice to eat it anyway isn't a mere plot detail. However, when analysing why Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, this becomes a secondary reason. The Old Testament stated that pigs are unclean (or impure) and therefore should not be eaten (Lev. Food is a frequent topic of conversation among Singaporeans. We all have our preferences.----edit---Dear Miss Muppet. Swine has a very few muscle-building abilities so it contains the excess of fat so when anytime a human will eat the meat of this animal so it may cause the heart attack or can cause hypertension. Uyghur Muslims Forced to Eat Pork Every Friday in Chinese Concentration Camps “This is part of the attempt to completely eradicate the culture and religion of the people in Xinjiang. Sautbay stated: Every Friday, we were forced to eat pork meat. 11:7: The swine, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.. Because it comes from a Pig, and Pigs have … Muslims have a firm belief that Islam is the most beneficial and the most merciful religion of all time, the Quran is the final book that is revealed to Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and it is the final revelation of a book from Allah. Christians eat pork because in the new testament it says not to criticise somebody to eat what they want to eat. One of the primary reasons why pork is forbidden in the Qur'an and the Bible is that both consider the animal to be unclean. I can almost imagine that some people are hard enough not to do that… Re. People wander to know why Muslims don’t eat pork or search for Why Muslims don’t eat pork. The character is not necessarily Muslim. We all have our preferences.----edit---Dear Miss Muppet. They live and thrive on muck, feces and dirt. Muslims are prohibited from consuming flowing blood. Traditions and devotions . Any Muslim who has lived in the west has probably heard this question at least once in their life time. I have asked for forgiveness in my prayer, and I would like to know if there is anything else I should do. muslims dont eat the Muslim's divine book, The Holy Qur'an forbids the consumption of pork meat, but even more astounding is the fact that Christians are forbidden to eat it too.....they are forbidden to eat it because of how bad pigs meat is because pigs are probably the dirtiest animals. It can damage almost all the organs of the body. According to the Islamic Research Foundation, eating pork is forbidden in four places within the text, including 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115. Today in this video, we are going to tell you about that. There is nothing that is restricting us and let me explain why. According to the rules of Islam, Muslims are forbidden to eat pork. Some Muslims rationalise their porkophobia by explaining that pigs are dangerous to eat, especially in hot climates, but pork is no more risky, at least in the modern world, than beef and poultry. People wander to know why Muslims don’t eat pork or search for Why Muslims don’t eat pork. Muslims simply do not eat pork or pork products because God has prohibited it. All we Muslims can do is ask a non-Muslim when served food is where the dish that contains pork is to avoid it because we don’t eat pork. Such a question becomes of great concern especially to people who are visiting some parts of India for the first time. The eggs of this virus transfer to the whole body and after that, it will transfer along with the body, if those eggs transfer to your brain then it may lose you the memory loss. Republished from Why Islam. Meat from cows, sheep, lamb, poultry and fish are permissible. In the whole, we can say that it will affect the whole body and it may cause death. However, when analysing why Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, this becomes a secondary reason. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal cooking temperature. 3 months ago. There is much research according to the consumption of pork meat, that if any human consumes a flesh of swine so they can be affected badly with different viruses just like roundworm, pin worm, and hookworm. This is denied by most of the Muslims. 5 8. kimht. In addition you will know too that eating of pork is not restricted only in Islam. It is a question most Muslims struggle to answer satisfactorily. – 3 Reasons. what religion doesn’t eat pork One the thing that is also prohibited in Islam is the Pork, so according to our cultural values we don’t want to see the pig as it is one of the stinky and filthiest animals on earth as it lives on mud, faces dirt and also lives on his waste materials also. These questions are very relevant and should be answered. Judaism forbids its followers from eating pig meat and today both orthodox and conservative Jews who follow a kosher diet adhere to this and other dietary injunctions. In the Hindu religion, pork is not prohibited. Many Non-Muslims often asks “why do Muslims not eat pork” or “why can’t Muslims eat pork” and ask the reasons behind its prohibition in Islam. Any meat prepared with alcohol or pork products are also prohibited. Answer Islam is not the only religion that prohibits pork. The main utility of pigs in the ecosystem is as scavengers. But for Jews, and Muslims too, pork can be a big “no.” With no reason for the ban given in the Bible, the effort to decipher its origins is a fascinating case study in how God has been understood. “He has forbidden you only dead animals, and blood, and the swine, and that which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for other than God.” (Quran 2:173) Mica 5. Islamic jurisprudence specifies which foods are halāl (حَلَال, "lawful") and which are harām (حَرَامْ, "unlawful").This is derived from commandments found in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, as well as the Hadith and Sunnah, libraries cataloging things the prophet Muhammad is reported to have said and done. For the several dozen Muslims housed at the facility, eating pork is forbidden. It is not surprising that hypertension is a common ailment due to the prevalence of the consumption of pork. Quran has prohibited the flesh of Pork in four different verses, they are Surah Al Baqrah Verse 173, Surah Al Maida Verse 73, Surah Al Anman Verse 145, and Surah UlAnNahl 16:115. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of the body. Muslims are not the only people who do not eat pork; Jews, as well as some Christian denominations, also consider pork forbidden. If you read the bible (Leviticus 11:7) Christians aren’t suppose to eat pork … – 3 Reasons; a a a. 11:7: The swine, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is … Muslims simply do not eat pork or pork products because God has prohibited it. Muslims do not eat pork because Quran, based on its prohibition in judaism, forbids eating it. Singaporean literature declares eating a national pastime and food a national obsession. This restriction comes directly from the Qur'an, which states that a Muslim cannot eat dead meat, blood or the flesh of swine. This means that the animal was killed in a particular way and that a prayer was said when the animal was killed. The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus. In addition to the already horrifying indignity of forcing Uyghur and other ethnic minority Muslims to eat pork, the authorities reportedly forced them to eat this on Fridays, the holy day of the week for Muslims. Muslims have followed suit. Being a Muslim a Muslim can not go against any rules or instructions that are clearly written in the Holy Book of Allah. A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5. Any Muslim who has lived in the west has probably heard this question at least once in their life time. So why do Christians eat ham, bacon and other pork products? Religious dietary strictures do exist; Muslims do not eat pork and Hindus do not eat beef, and there is also a significant group of vegetarians/vegans. You have entered an incorrect email address! So, considering how important it is for many Muslims to avoid pork, Dev's choice to eat it anyway isn't a mere plot detail. Have just seen a meme on Instagram, and I really asked this question. Yes, pigs can expose you to Taenia solium eggs that have the ability to penetrate into your bloodstream. According to the rules of Islam, Muslims are forbidden to eat pork. However, there is an exception that is written in the Holy Quran as well where it states that you can eat it if you are starving and there is nothing else to eat but pork. © Motivation and inspiring Quotes By Hazrat Ali, Why Muslim Don’t Eat Pork According To Islam, Everything You Wanted to Know About RELATIVES QUOTES, New Best sustenance Quotes and Sayings In Islam, Begging quotes and saying in Islam By Hazrat ALi, Leniency And Gentleness quotes from | Hazrat Ali, All you want to read about Desire and Longing quotes, Top 62 Quotes on Renunciation | best spiritual sayings, 42 best inspiring leniency quotes and saying in islam, Write For Us and be a part of knowledge sharing. Jews prohibit the use of pork not only Islam prohibits eat of pork Somebody was curious and asked about it in the first place and somebody gave the needed answers why Muslims don't eat pork. They don't find it tasty, just like some people find eating spiders and whatnots not tasty. However, these meat are NOT considered a necessity or permissible if his society possesses excess food. Swine were prohibited in ancient Syria and Phoenicia, and the pig and its flesh represented a taboo observed, Strabo noted, at Comana in Pontus. Later after I took a bite, I asked again what it was to really make sure that it wasn't pork, and they replied with 'salami' so I was led to believe that I was eating the same thing as back then while I was most likely consuming pork. There is a scientific reason behind that. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Islam is not the only religion that prohibits pork. Recondite. We all know that It's forbidden to eat pork for Muslims. It could be argued that in developed countries, pigs are bred in very clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties, and so the chances of them consuming filth are very high. “Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you.” [Leviticus 11:7-8] Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy “And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you. Today in this video, we are going to tell you about that. Yes, you will eat, and in Islam, that is not considered to be “haram” meaning forbidden. 1 decade ago. Muslims in a particular Chinese region are reportedly being made to eat pork and drink alcohol during the country's Lunar New Year holiday, according to the Mirror.Residents of Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China have allegedly been invited to festive events where they were served pork. This restriction comes directly from the Qur'an, which states that a Muslim cannot eat dead meat, blood or the flesh of swine. would you like to eat a pig that has recently eaten your leftovers or unwanted garbage? Mintee . Why are Muslims not allowed to eat pork? Is not a troll contribution. Pork, shrimp, seafood, meat, vegetables, anything. 3.19 Muslims and Jews do not eat pork. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass.”. Biologically, eating pork especially if not cooked properly will expose you to more risk than good. If this transfer to the heart then it may cause to the heart attack if it goes to liver so it will damage the liver or when it reaches the eye it may cause eye blindness. All we Muslims can do is ask a non-Muslim when served food is where the dish that contains pork is to avoid it because we don’t eat pork. What about Catholics? However a little investigation into the anatomy and lifestyle of the pig reveals that it is certainly an unclean animal. you all should to search why most religions prohibits eat of pork instead of searching Why Muslims don’t eat pork. “And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you”. Talk of pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms and even the taenia solium which can be very deadly. Those interested in consuming healthy, natural, and pure foods would do … Thus, it has a spiritual significance and scientific basis as to why pork is absolutely forbidden in Islam, except on extreme cases like when there is no more food … NO.. we wont die.. and there is also a v erse in our holy Book the Quran where Allah /God is ever merciful claiming if there is actually nothing else to eat and pork is there, we can eat it to survive.. or if we are forced to eat it , we can. Lv 7. Gelatin should be avoided since some gelatin products contain pork. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. This article is no different in that sense. friendlyViolet. 0 0. Muslims were detained for re-education by China‘s government and made to eat pork and drink alcohol, according to a former internment camp inmate. It is forbidden in judaism for reason enumerated in Leviticus 11. 7:18-19) Mk. The prohibition of pork in Islam is derived from the following verse of the Glorious Qur’an: “Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.”. Harris considers that the pig was condemned because the breeding of these animals then constituted a threat to the integrity of the natural and cultural ecosystems of the Middle East. 10 Things You Might Not Know About Jesus in Islam, Becoming a Muslim made me a better white person, I’m a Muslim American and this is what I wish you knew. The prohibition on the consumption of pork is taken very seriously. The Old Testament stated that pigs are unclean (or impure) and therefore should not be eaten (Lev. Managed by. Why does Islam prohibit the consumption of alcohol? But people dont knows it is haram in other religions to eat pork. But people dont knows it is haram in other religions to eat pork. Muslims refrain from eating pork and pork products because God has forbidden it. A lost poem of Hermesianax, reported centuries later by the traveller Pausanias, reported an etiological myth of Attis destroyed by a supernatural boar to account for the fact that "in consequence of these events the Galatians who inhabit Many people ask can Christians eat pork and is it sinful to do so according to the Bible? Pork and pig derivatives, including ham and bacon, are one such forbidden food. Some feed on it once in a while because it’s not that easily available in most places that they live. She says the practice of making Muslims eat pork went beyond the detention camps. 3.19 Muslims and Jews do not eat pork. A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. The last book of Allah Quran has told us all the secrets of life and if we are in any difficulties so we can take guidance from that book also, it is the only book that is still in its original condition and it hasn’t changed up to the time but some books of that were revealed in past had been changed just like The Bible. Some of us will now argue that if we will cook the flesh at high temperature then the bacteria will finish, It’s also a misconception but this is also wrong, the research that was undertaken in America has researched that those people who were suffering from TrichuraTichurasis (a virus commonly found in the pork meat), they had cooked the pork meat very well but they got suffered from this virus also. 4 years ago. Muslims in today’s world refrain from eating pork not only because of religious requirement, but also because of correlation between consumption of pork and many diseases. Meats that are considered haram, such as pork, dog, cat, monkey, or any other haram animals, can only be considered lawful in emergencies when a person is facing starvation and his life has to be saved through the consumption of this meat. Why don’t Muslims eat pork? The primary reason that Muslims refrain from eating pork is in submission to Almighty God, and in recognition that He knows what is best for His creation. There are many examples of these things which are prohibited on us, there were some reasons for them and modern science is now verifying them in this era that all these things which are prohibited in Islam are too correct. Here you will know why Muslims don’t eat Pork. Box 1054, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1054. And why the Pig is labeled as the worse Animal in Islam. "When people hear I drink and eat pork but still call myself Muslim, they saw me as someone who is quote un-quote 'assimilated' and referred to me as a 'good Muslim… Due to this addition of pork in the Qur’anic list of prohibitions the Muslims do not eat pork. There is a scientific reason behind that. The main reason pork is forbidden for Muslims is because it says in the Holy Quran that some food is allowed, while others are explicitly declared haram, which … So everyone as he wants. 11:7) Lev. Let us examine various aspects of this prohibition: Islam is a culmination of the same monotheistic religion that was revealed to earlier prophets. It is considered to be an unclean animal, a scavenger that feeds on dead things–therefore, in general it is considered to be unhealthy to eat pork. Why don't Muslims eat pork? Christians are free to eat anything. Muslim Diet Just because pork is prohibited doesn’t mean your diet should be bland or boring. Now with modern ways of cooking and food storage we can kill off these parasites and eat these meats safely. They don't find it tasty, just like some people find eating spiders and whatnots not tasty. Muslims often view pigs as shameful simply because the Quran prohibits the consumption of their flesh without giving any specific reasons. pig it the waste and garbage of humans an they are seen as scavengers. Some people eat dogs and monkeys and frogs and beef and pork and chicken because: 1)They are food. For these reasons alcohol is illegal in some Islamic countries. Islam has also rejected this flesh to eat thus it is being also scientifically proven now in this era, but when there is no food and we had to feed our stomach so in that case the flesh is allowed but in severe conditions, it has been allowed though it has been strictly prohibited. Traditions and devotions . Muslims in today’s world refrain from eating pork not only because of religious requirement, but also because of correlation between consumption of pork and many diseases. It is the best scrounger that is produced by the GOD, that in those places where there are no toilets so people do washrooms in the open air and in these areas the pig often go and clear all the waste products by eating them, these are also one of the main problems that are why it has been prohibited in Islam. For the expert anthropologist, the most valid theory that explains why Jews and Muslims do not eat pork is ecological in nature. Though the sign for corruption is also determined with the swine so in Islam the corruption and the flesh of pork is strictly permitted so it is the responsibility of Muslims do not consume the pork meat and because it has been strictly permitted in Islamic values and in our culture also. Also, it’s encouraged to eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Some Muslims rationalise their porkophobia by explaining that pigs are dangerous to eat, especially in hot climates, but pork is no more risky, at least in the modern world, than beef and poultry. Muslims as so strict about eating pork and there is always no questions about when can Indian Muslims eat pork. Other religions too prohibits eat of pork. Harris considers that the pig was condemned because the breeding of these animals then constituted a threat to the integrity of the natural and cultural ecosystems of … Pork has also been added to the list of these prohibitions of Islam. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. For the several dozen Muslims housed at the facility, eating pork is forbidden. “Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you.”, Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy, “And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you. 2) They are tasty. It will affect the intestine of the human body and this worm is too long. Research has shown correlation between pork consumption and several diseases. 1 0. It harbors in the intestine and is very long. The prepackaged halal meals offered as an alternative are expired and … Ye shall not eat of … The clear point blank answer to these questions are yes and no. (I also do not drink alcohol) 1 0. jhfjhfhgfd. With all due respect with our non Muslim brothers and sisters who eat pork, this discussion does not in any way open an insensitive argument. If it is cooked food then you know for sure that even if alcohol was used in the cooking that alcohol is gone period. One the thing that is also prohibited in Islam is the Pork, so according to our cultural values we don’t want to see the pig as it is one of the stinky and filthiest animals on earth as it lives on mud, faces dirt and also lives on his waste materials also. Similarly, the avoidance of pork in Islam is a primary food rule (Qur'an 5:3; 6:145) and thus a way of maintaining Muslim identity. They have intentionally chosen a day that is holy for the Muslims. 15 July, 2017. It is considered to be an unclean animal, a scavenger that feeds on dead things–therefore, in general it is considered to be unhealthy to eat pork. Why are Muslims not allowed to eat pork? One of the most dangerous viruses that a human will get after eating the swine flesh is the pork tapeworm. If it enters the heart it can cause heart attack, in the eye it can cause blindness, and in the liver it can cause liver damage. *Also*, not just Jews and Muslims. Same spoon the individual to various helminthes ( worms ) like roundworm, pinworm and hookworm know it... All know that it 's forbidden to eat me explain why any intelligent, self-respecting person would not himself! Several dozen Muslims housed at the facility, eating pork and is sinful! 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