delicious green smoothies without bananas

Very informative and detailed on how to make smoothies with different combos to get the most of the health benefits out of it. Instead of winging it and assume that things will go all right, use these suggestions to get you started. Smoothies without bananas is unchartered territory for many blending aficionados. Without the banana, smoothies would be nothing more than pulp-filled fruit juices. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 21, 2014: Marlene Bertrand from USA on February 21, 2014: Last night I was wondering if there was a substitute for bananas and then was happy to come across your hub. It can be overwhelming making recipes from scratch, especially if you're brand new to green smoothies. Feb 27, 2017 - Do you love making smoothies but don't want to use bananas in them? 2 handfuls spinach Mar 28, 2020 - Explore Phyills Jefferson's board "smoothie without banana", followed by 185 people on Pinterest. Bananas are the perfect smoothie ingredient. 2 pear The addition of the apple is enticing – I can’t wait to try it. I'm glad that this article is useful for you, PegCole! We love smoothies, kids love smoothies. | Wellness Today, Wendy's Simple Super Green Avocado Smoothie Recipe, Apple Pear Cilantro Smoothie - YumUniverse™. This has the consistency of a smoothy, but don't get me wrong, it has a wonderful flavour. :). I would like to try this and some other suggestions you have. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on January 30, 2014: Careermommy, I'm glad that these suggestions are still helpful for you! Healthier recipes from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell. Currently I’m eating keto, so I’ll share some low carb green smoothies here, but also some super yummy (and healthy) smoothie recipes for everyone to enjoy. 1 apple And as for an immersion blender, well I think that is one of the greatest kitchen inventions ever! Adding a little fruit juice with a strong flavor can also help mask the flavor. Delicious, it is. 1 celery stalk 1 apple, cored Thanks for the ideas. For Greena Colada Smoothie Without Banana: 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks 1 cup coconut milk 1 cup packed baby spinach Optional add-ins: chia seeds, … 1 pear, cored Jamie Jensen from Chicago on January 27, 2014: What an informative hub! My January Challenge was to drink a green smoothie every day. Here are more than 30 fun and easy smoothies for kids to make on their own, or with a little help. Smoothie Recipes for Kids & Adults: Get Your Family Drinking Their Greens, Fruits & Veggies with Green Reset Formula! There are also a lot of free guidelines available online with ratios for green, fruit, and other add-ins. The good news is that there are recipes out there as well as a lot of great tips for making substitutions and building your own concoctions from scratch. 2 and 1/2 cups papaya, peeled and deseeded Banana Substitutions (Subbing out the Banana, Replacing Bananas): Happy Herbivore, Which Nut Milk is Right For You? Well, my interest in her certainly wasn’t because I was trying to expand my smoothie making skills. Mixed with blueberries , raspberries or other berries is very good with watermelon. 2 cups water or non dairy milk (such as coconut milk), Avocado-Apple Smoothie Easiest Ever Tomato Soup (Creamy, Delicious and Ready in 5 Minutes or Less! As previously mentioned, if you're going to use banana in combination with other fruits to mask the flavor, choose fruits with strong flavors. Rose is a full-time freelance writer who frequently writes about education, special education, DIY projects, food, Milwaukee, and more. It can take some trial and error to find the right flavor and texture, but it is well worth the effort. Chia Seed Pudding: Recipe with Vanilla and 100% Vegan. 2 pears I have to say that I love smoothies with bananas, but I don't always have them on hand so these are some great ideas for those times. I grow kale, so I like to use kale as my green ingredient. Enjoy the recipes. That means you don’t have to be a fan of bananas to make delicious, healthy smoothies. Avocado-Papaya-Strawberry Smoothie Tip: Another reason that bananas are so popular is that they are readily available year-round at affordable prices in many areas of the country. I have a two clients who don't like bananas either. Don't be afraid to use frozen fruit in smoothies, as it is still very nutritious and it allows for the option to use fruits that are only available fresh for a few months of the year. Perfect for a healthy on-the-go breakfast or lunch packed with veggies and fruit. Thanks! In general, it is best to steer clear of fruits that have high water content, such as oranges, because they significantly affect the consistency. Another great recipe to save and vote up of course. Fresh or frozen mango will work, and you can leave out the honey, especially if the banana is extra ripe. There are lots of easy healthy green smoothie recipes that produce delicious, creamy drinks without bananas! 1 cup whole strawberries The taste may be just as desirable, but some people find the color off-putting. The general rule of thumb is that 1/4 of an avocado can be substituted for one banana. If you are steering clear of bananas in blended drinks purely because of the flavor, you can try masking it with other fruits. 1 celery stalk Do You Buy Green Bananas? Required fields are marked *. I also make green smoothies with celery, spinach, green apples. Keep in mind that using yellow and/or orange fruits almost guarantees that a green smoothie stays green. Are you looking for green smoothie recipes that do not have bananas? Tirralan Watkins from Los Angeles, CA on January 30, 2014: I love green smoothies and I do normally use bananas, but I will certainly try the other fruits you've mentioned. 10+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes (Without Bananas) When I found and I asked Steffi for an interview, I’m sure she was surprised, especially since (as I found out later) she doesn’t really like smoothies (?!?) How To Make A Sweet Green Smoothie Without Bananas - YouTube 10+Easy Spinach Recipes for Smoothies: How To Make Yummy Spinach Smoothies Your Family (& Kids) will Devour! You won't feel like you're drinking guacamole. How to Make a Smoothie Without Using Bananas - One Green Planet What are some of the unhealthy combinations in smoothies which one should try to avoid and why. 1 cup strawberries (frozen or fresh) Whether you’re allergic to bananas or you simply don’t like the taste of them, it can be difficult to find a smoothie recipe that doesn’t include bananas.. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to add creaminess and natural sweetness to smoothies without using the beloved yellow fruit.. Below you’ll find some of our favorite superfood smoothies without bananas. Thank you for these very good tips. How To Start Your Own Green Smoothie Revolution. Pineapple smoothie - Pina Colada with kale, Sweet Citrus Avocado Smoothie with Omega 3 Boost. So that’s why I decided to create a series of interviews with people who have been vegan for a while, and post it on my website, with the goal of sharing these experiences with non-vegans, and perhaps compiling their wisdom later on into an ebook or other resource. 2 cups baby spinach (or other leafy green) Banana Almond Butter Smoothie: Super Creamy Sensation! Whether you are avoiding bananas because of their high glycemic index, cutting hybrid fruit out of your diet, or you simply don't like the flavor and/or texture of bananas, it can be a frustrating process to find recipes that you can use. I agree with you about the immersion blender! Do you love making smoothies but don't want to use bananas in them? You cannot simply leave out banana and hope for the best. If you keep tofu on hand for cooking, this is a natural choice. In this low-sugar berry there are—blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. That’s because for most, bananas and smoothies go together like a blender and a babe (wink…wink). So, here is a simple recipe that I made this morning with ingredients I had in my kitchen. 2 pear This is very helpful. – Time for the Green Reset CHALLENGE & REVOLUTION with Green Smoothies and Juices, Awesome Green Smoothie with Grape Juice Recipe (from Self-Grown Grapes!). water, milk) accordingly. Kim Lam from California on February 11, 2014: This is great! ), 5 Easy Green Smoothie Recipes for Beginners, 10+ Kale Recipes You and Your Family Will Love! Adding fruits with other colors (i.e strawberries, blueberries) tend to make the smoothie more brown. Your email address will not be published. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to,,,,, or 2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green) Finally, some people substitute silken tofu, which also sounds odd but doesn't affect the smoothie flavor. I really need to get a smoothie blender because they can be so delicious and healthy for my family and I! FlourishAnyway from USA on January 27, 2014: I'm with you. From everything that I write about bananas while researching for this article, the negatives are very insignificant. 2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green) I do this, not only because smoothies taste great and are super quick to throw together, but for a tasty way to boost my nutrition! Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on April 14, 2014: Thanks, hotwebideas! Thanks! and I’m the owner of a green smoothie recipe site, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 1/2 avocado 2 and 1/2 cups papaya, peeled and deseeded The two most widely used green ingredients are spinach and kale. 1 avocado 3 Easy Delicious Green Smoothies without the Greens - Native Batch When I found and I asked Steffi for an interview, I’m sure she was surprised, especially since (as I found out later) she doesn’t really like smoothies (?!?) That's great. Marissa from United States on January 28, 2014: Thanks for sharing!! The recipe I want to share with you calls for strawberries, avocado, papaya, and greens. Orange juice is a widely used juice, as so many people keep it on hand. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 04, 2014: Thelma, I hope that you do get to try green smoothies soon! Strong spices, such as ginger, and chocolate are also popular substitutions. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on January 28, 2014: Marissa, I'm so glad that this article is helpful for you! If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too! This is the first I'm hearing anything negative about bananas (besides personal preference, of course), but I'm glad there are so many alternatives. Consider pairing it with strong flavors, including pineapple, strawberries, peaches, kiwi, and berries (raspberries, blueberries, or blackberries). Tri-Berry Smoothie You can never go wrong with too many berries. When used with the right ingredients, cilantro and mixed greens can work well, too. Fresh or frozen blueberries are a great substitution in many green smoothies. For recipes that call for two bananas, simply substitute one banana for another fruit. ), Sample Plant-Powered Menu: Protein Blueberry Smoothie & Warming Carrot Soup, 2 handfuls spinach or other leafy greens (I like to use organic Spring Mix), about 2 cups water (adjust the amount depending on how thick you want it). Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day. 5 Delicious Banana Juice Recipes (And 8 Reasons to Drink Them) … Voted up and shared. 1 cup water, Pear-Apple See more ideas about healthy drinks, healthy smoothies, smoothies. Wonderful hub. Mangoes, apples, pears, papayas, peaches, and nectarines are all great options. Let’s talk about getting your kids in the kitchen again.Have you made smoothies with your kids, or maybe even just for them. For most part my family and friends are very meat oriented in their food choices, and when I tried eliminating meat  from my diet (while experimenting with raw foods) – I was met with harsh criticism, and failed miserably. I'm sure that they will appreciate these recipes. For some reason, bananas have a tendency to give me leg cramps. While you may have no problem with regular spinach and stronger kale varieties, be mindful of the different options. Enjoy. It took me 46 years to get to this point, and I wish I could help others “see the light” sooner. 65 AMAZING SMOOTHIES WITHOUT BANANAS. The mango and the I can't stand the smell or taste of bananas, so I've been avoiding many smoothie recipes due to them. Did You Have Your GREENS and VEGGIES Today? Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on January 27, 2014: FlourishAnyway, it's good to know that I'm not alone! You can choose a single fruit or experiment with different combinations. Which is the Best Blender For Smoothies, Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie (with Oatmeal, Greens & a Cup of Compassion! Opposites Attract Spicy Sweet Green Smoothie without Banana Personally, I simply don't like the flavor or smell and consequently have spent a lot of time researching this topic. You may have to experiment with the quantities to find a combination that suits your personal preferences for taste and consistency. You will see the necessary ingredients and you will just need to add ice to make it perfect. someonewhoknows from south and west of canada,north of ohio on January 27, 2014: Raw beets taste good.Much better than cooked in my opinion. Popular Green Smoothie Fruit Pairings Without Banana: Also, as previously mentioned, chocolate / cocoa powder is also a great add-in choice. They have little flavor but have lost their bitterness that comes with being too green. In fact, there are just as many smoothies without bananas as there are with them. Although I like bananas, only the light greener ones are acceptable with me. They're very affordable (mine is stainless steel and only cost me $30, the same model sells for about $40 these days) and are awesome for smoothies and so many other recipes as well including soups, sauces, and baby food. I’ve been drinking green smoothies for a couple of years and just this week thought I’d try them without the banana. and I’m the owner of a green … ¼ avocado Juice, it is not. Mango and banana make this green smoothie naturally creamy without a drop of dairy. Enjoy! 1 green apple (for example, Granny Smith) Your email address will not be published. If you don't like this less sweet flavor, add some natural sweetener, such as honey, to compensate. You see, I’m a new vegan and (although it now seems incredible to me) until about a year ago, I had never personally met a vegan  – not until I became one myself, and began seeking them out. Sorry! I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. 8 Creamy Smoothie Recipes without Bananas | Prolific Juicing Peaches, mango, and berries are just a few of the most widely used options. Start making substitutions and alternations for recipes that you find online. Healthy Nutrition Made Easy: Learn How to Prepare Delicious Green Smoothies That Your Family Will Love! But Bananas aren’t the only base you can use when making smoothies. See more ideas about healthy smoothies, smoothie drinks, smoothie recipes. I love bananas in my smoothie, but not everyone in my household does. I appreciate the additional suggestions for green smoothie ingredients. Finally! You'll still be able to enjoy healthy, gluten-free, and vegan drinks without any unwanted ingredients. However, the Clean Program’s 21-Day Clean Cleanse kindly says, ‘no bananas allowed.’Wah. While bananas are a wonderfully delicious fruit that add sweetness and creaminess to our favorite blended drinks, some people just don’t like them or are even … Please note that I did not write this article because I wanted to debate the health benefits of bananas. Green smoothies are an ultra simple, delicious way to kick off your day! Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on December 27, 2019: This really isn't my area of expertise. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 11, 2014: Thanks, Turtlewoman! 1/2 – 1 cup water, Papaya-Apple Smoothie Thank you for sharing. There are four basic components for a green smoothie: As you get comfortable making your own smoothies, you'll learn what proportions and ingredients you prefer. Thanks! It may sound like a weird choice, but the flavor blends in seamlessly for many smoothie recipes. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on January 26, 2014: Nithya Venkat from Dubai on January 26, 2014: Useful and informative hub about smoothies with helpful suggestions. I've only just started experimenting with smoothies. I want to show different profiles of people living a vegan lifestyle, so that people who are hesitant or doubtful could see that it’s not only doable, but also a very rewarding choice. 1 cup blueberries Bruce Chamoff from New York on April 14, 2014: That looks good. ½ cup water. I like banana-free smoothies, from time to time, when I feel a bit stuck in a rut with my recipes. Find healthy, delicious green smoothie recipes, including smoothies for cleanse and detox. Thanks for sharing this awesome and healthy recipe. If you are looking for a yummy and healthy drink, which doesn’t contain a lot of calories or sugar, then you should try hese smoothies. 2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green) Peg Cole from Northeast of Dallas, Texas on January 28, 2014: Thanks so much for sharing recipes that don't have bananas. How to Get a Bikini Body Super Fast…WITHOUT dieting, exercising or going on detox cleanse? 2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green) | Wellness Today; 6 Health Benefits of Almond Milk | 3FC Almond milk contains more nutrients than other dairy milk alternatives like rice milk. Bananas are a great source of nutrition, but you should also mix up your fruit intake. One reason that bananas are such a popular smoothie ingredient is that they create a desirable creamy texture and/or flavor. Good source of energy fibers coconut turmeric would be a good smoothie and also smoothies are all good thanks again Rick. 1 orange, peeled I like your banana substitute suggestions a lot. 1 cup of water, Mango-Strawberry Green Smoothie Mar 9, 2016 - Explore Bridgett Raybon's board "Smoothie without Banana" on Pinterest. Love bananas but variety is good. 2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green) Enjoy! What I love about this smoothie is that it doesn’t separate much and tastes delicious even … It's good to know there are good alternatives. Thanks, Jamie! Popular Green Smoothie Fruit Pairings Without Banana: Mango and Peach; Mango and Pineapple; Apple and Blueberry; Kiwi and Strawberry; Which Nut Milk is Right For You? Keep in mind that both avocado and tofu can make smoothies less sweet. There is really no reason to avoid adding bananas to your smoothies, unless you are one of the people who just dislike the taste and texture that they add to a smoothie (my husband is one of them). Plus The Nutritional Benefits Of Kale, Best Smoothie Blender: My Indispensable Tool for Preparing Green Smoothies. Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on January 27, 2014: Voted Up and Useful. I’ve Fallen off the Wagon (Again!) I think -though I actually love bananas- I would prefer not to have them in my smoothies. Bananas don’t make the cut because they are really high in starches and sugar. Being vegan (or even vegetarian) seemed so difficult and unattainable for regular people, with kids and family, like myself. These recipes look wonderful. While frozen fruit is always okay in smoothies, fresh greens are mandatory. In order to maintain a desirable creamy flavor, you must make some sort of substitution. Many people also substitute avocado for banana. Note: This smoothie will not be very sweet, which I like, so if you want more sweetness you may decide to add a bit of agave syrup, stevia or a few dates to make it sweeter. I forgot about using avocado instead. It doesn’t include a banana, but you can certainly add one (it will make the smoothie sweeter). A couple of teaspoons or a tablespoon of cocoa powder at most is all you'll need for a 1-2 serving recipe. Here’s How To Make Your Smoothies Creamy and Delicious Without Them Whether you're looking for a green smoothie, an anti-inflammatory smoothie, or … Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on January 04, 2016: Great hub, Rose. Detox Green Smoothie Without Banana A Lovely Side Project romaine, celery, parsley, ice cubes, pear, spinach, ginger, lemon and 3 more Kiwi-Pineapple-Green Smoothie RebeccaMahony If you add orange juice, subtract other liquid (i.e. 1 tablespoon of lemon or lime juice 3 Peachy Smoothie Recipes, Plus Smoothies as the New Fast Food! Tahini Berry Green Smoothie Recipe: Fights Flus, Colds and Boosts Fertility, Blendtec OR Vitamix OR…??? suziecat7 from Asheville, NC on January 27, 2014: This is a great Hub. Whether you've just gotten on a smoothie kick, or you've been drinking smoothies for years, it most likely did not take you very long to figure out that it's hard to find smoothie recipes without bananas. 1 mango Over time you'll learn how to make your own adaptations with success. You can also pair fresh young coconut with any of these fruits. There are lots of easy healthy green smoothie recipes that produce delicious, creamy drinks without bananas! Your hub is very useful for anyone who jumps into making or drinking green smoothies. Layer your ingredients in the blender or another container of your choosing with fruit on the bottom and green on the top, adding the liquid and add-ins last for optimal blending. I definitely will be trying some of these smoothies. Whether you’re looking for a green smoothie, an anti-inflammatory smoothie, or a protein-packed smoothie, most recipes out there tend to Hate the Taste of Bananas? Spinach or kale work perfectly, and fresh orange juice makes it even better. If you are going to substitute other fruit, look for fruits that are not rich in water. Chocolate may not seem like the healthiest smoothie ingredient, but keep in mind that a little goes a long way. Many people select baby spinach leaves or Dino or Tuscan kale varieties because they have milder flavors. ¼ teaspoon cinnamon I met a few vegetarians – but they were not close to me – just people I came across once or twice, never to see them again. It's good to have back up options. Now, I’m really passionate about this lifestyle. Delicious, Healthy, Creamy Green Smoothie Recipes Without Bananas. Thelma Alberts from Germany and Philippines on February 04, 2014: I have not made green smoothies, yet. You should think about getting an immersion blender. 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